Welcome to MusicBot4You.net!
Here you can get a TS3MusicBot for your TeamSpeak or Discord server in seconds. Fully automized, user friendly and supported by us.
If you want to get your own Teamspeak 3 music bot follow these steps:
1. Register an account on this site.
2. Charge your account.
3. Buy the TS3MusicBot on the products site.
4. Save the IP:PORT of your Teamspeak 3 server.
5. If you want to use a query (for more functions), you have to whitelist our ip which runs your bot and configure the query login inside the TS3MusicBot webinterface.
6. At the end make a restart in your account panel on this site.
Thanks for using our service and have fun with the TS3MusicBot!
If you want to host the TS3MusicBot yourself look here: http://ts3musicbot.net
Here you can get a TS3MusicBot for your TeamSpeak or Discord server in seconds. Fully automized, user friendly and supported by us.
If you want to get your own Teamspeak 3 music bot follow these steps:
1. Register an account on this site.
2. Charge your account.
3. Buy the TS3MusicBot on the products site.
4. Save the IP:PORT of your Teamspeak 3 server.
5. If you want to use a query (for more functions), you have to whitelist our ip which runs your bot and configure the query login inside the TS3MusicBot webinterface.
6. At the end make a restart in your account panel on this site.
Thanks for using our service and have fun with the TS3MusicBot!
If you want to host the TS3MusicBot yourself look here: http://ts3musicbot.net